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Pakistan drone victims seek CIA arrest

Relatives of victims of a covert US drone war against Al-Qaeda in Pakistan yesterday filed a complaint with police in the capital, seeking the arrest of a now retired CIA official, their lawyer said.

"We have lodged the complaint for (issuance) of international arrest warrants for John A Rizzo, a CIA official," over the killings of civilians, Mirza Shahzad Akbar told reporters at a press conference.

The drone war, targeting Taliban and Al-Qaeda commanders in Pakistan's tribal badlands, is hugely unpopular among a public opposed to the government's alliance with Washington and sensitive to perceived violations of sovereignty.

The document called on Interpol and the United States to enforce an arrest warrant against Rizzo, whom it says was until recently general counsel to the CIA and claims "the accused can be tried in Islamabad".

It accused Rizzo of conspiracy to wage a war of aggression, to commit murder and various other crimes, including crimes against humanity.

Source : The Daily Star